Wednesday, February 27, 2013

An Old, Used, Worn, Torn, Loved Treasure

Found this in Mother's things yesterday...double bed size..1" blocks, straight line quilting and very determined to stay together.

Don't know how old this is, but Mother did not Grandmother & G Grandmother did, so this could be easily 100 yrs old...sure looks it...

 I am definitely not the one who can save this, but would love to be able to bring it back to it's glory...

It is too fragile to wash right now, and so stained that it might not be worth it...

But I hate to see the gorgeous colors disappear...

I thought I'd take it to my quilting group for suggestions...

Have any of you run across this problem before?


Vroomans' Quilts said...

We see these occassionally and suggest to just let them be. Don't wash it or you will lose it all together. Display it and love it's memories.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I tried to wash an old quilt I got at a garage sale (it was 'crisp' to the feel) and it went from great shape, to disintegrated in the wash. I keep the quilt that my great grandmother made and gave to my parents for a wedding present hanging on an old wooden ladder in my guest bedroom (even tho it is in wonderful shape for all the use it has gotten). Just treasure it, and maybe make a 'reproduction' of it to use.