At the last minute, I decided to give my DS & DDIL some of Mother's Christmas ribbon and other things. I was going through it, taking out the breakable ornaments, and ran across a couple of items, one of which I thought was lost forever!
These are staying here,,,,,well, maybe one will go for a "show and tell"....
She loved wind-up toys.. I laid this one down for a better still works..wind it up, turn the switch (at the top, unseen) and the needle still goes up and down...Best ever!
The other thing is a puzzle my Grandfather showed me when I was real young, pre-teen...Yes, you can find the solution on the internet now, but it was back in the 40s when I saw this the first time....and what was so great was that he had crafted the pieces out of metal himself (he and my grandmother worked with metal and rivets at a local Naval Base during War II.)
Make a block out of these 4 pieces (sorry, they are still as they came out of the plastic bag, I need to clean them a little)
That was easy.
adding another piece, make a square out of these 5 pieces..
How cool is that!
Notice, I did not show you the solution.
See you in a few weeks.....