Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tips and Thoughts in the Sewing Room #V

1) Love this: "Do something today that doesn't have to be done again tomorrow" - shown on Crafty Pug's site.

2) Watch out for static electricity when you flip the switch on your sewing machine....touch something else first to rid yourself of it if necessary.

3) Never start cutting at 3:00 in the morning.

4) Every idea is a new one, even old ones that you haven't thought of in a long time.....

5) Coloring fabric with crayolas is much faster than sewing...usually...but you can't rip out....

6)  Tips sometimes don't come to mind.....Thoughts sometimes overrun the mind, one right after the other.

7)  Don't hide things under a bushel,,,take them out and show them off!!

8)  When you can' sleep,,,,,,sew something simple.. (but see #3)

9)  Tired of some of your stash? 3 S's......Swap, Sell or Share...

10) Tips do not get old, check out posts I thru IV (click side Label "Tips" )

1 comment:

nono said...

I've done # 3, you;re right its a bad idea.