Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday to Tuesday - One Week Challenge

Amy's at it again... She is having a one-week challenge.  We chose something to do and get done this week, starting today and ending next Tuesday.

This blue/white top has been waiting patiently in the wings since May to be sandwiched and prepared for handquilting.  This I plan to do in the next 7 days.  I usually baste by hand, using embroidery thread and long stitches.  Usually I overbaste, because I never know where I will be while sewing, and have had experiences of my basting not holding.  Granted, that was quite a while ago, but it was a nasty experience!

So count me in, Amy....thanks for the chance to finish something.


frazzledsugarplummum said...

That is a wow Frances:couldn't imagine trying that one. Very nice. Sadia

georgie said...

Wow that is a challenge I've set myself very simple one's nothing quite so challenging,thanks for dropping by my blog by the way.
Georgie x